Human Resources Newsletters from 2021
Read the full newsletter HERE
- Holiday Deals (Buy 3 Weeks in Print, Get 1 Free!)
- Hourly Worker Demographics • Quick Quitters (Who are hourly workers;
learn what job seekers are looking for in a new job and how to write a better
job post addressing those needs.)
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (December is here, and HR Professionals in WNY are trying to balance personal activities with year-end business responsibilities, in addition to understanding all the COVID-19 requirements. So much is happening that it is very difficult to keep up-to-date with all the latest news impacting our jobs. As always, we have compiled this monthly update in our attempt to make sure you are informed.…)

Read the full newsletter HERE
- Veterans Day Sale
(11% Discount) - Message from Joe Rindfuss (We have seen an uptick in applications…)
- Hiring Success Stories
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (November is the start of the traditional holiday season, and things are as busy as ever in the field of Human Resources. So much is happening that it can be very difficult to keep up-to-date with all the latest news impacting our jobs. As always, we have compiled this monthly update in our attempt to make sure you are informed.…)

Read the full newsletter HERE
- 26th Anniversary Sale
(Buy 1/8 pint ad for just $139) - Message from Joe Rindfuss (One of the more challenging years…)
- Hiring Success Stories
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (Autumn has arrived in Western New York, and the fall has proven no different than any other season in terms of HR activity. There are so many HR related items making the news each week. We sincerely hope you find our quick, monthly e-newsletters to be an easy way to assist you in keeping up with everything that is happening in the HR world.…)

Read the full newsletter HERE
- Time to Get Back to Work
- Is Your Company Using an Applicant Tracking System?
- Hiring Success Stories
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (We hope everyone had a great summer in Western New York despite the on-going presence of COVID-19. You may have thought the news would be light on employment matters with it being summer and Congress now on hiatus, but (as usual) that was hardly the situation…)

Read the full newsletter HERE
- Erie County Fair Editions are Here
- New “Sort by Salary” feature offered to job seekers
- Hiring Success Stories
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (As things are slowly getting back to some resemblance of “normal”, we hope that all of you are safe and in need of an update of what is occurring in the world of Human Resources…)

JUNE 2021
Read the full newsletter HERE
- Message from Joe Rindfuss (The disconnect between employers and job seekers)
- Hiring Success Stories
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (As things are slowly getting back to some resemblance of “normal”, we hope that all of you are safe and in need of an update of what is occurring in the world of Human Resources…)

MAY 2021
Read the full newsletter HERE
- Message from Joe Rindfuss (Ways to Entice Job Seekers)
- Hiring Success Stories
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (Like most every month, April was a busy time for HR related information. You may have been busy trying to schedule and reschedule COVID-19 vaccination appointments in April, so we are here to fill you in on anything that may have been missed.…)

APRIL 2021
Read the full newsletter HERE
- Message from Joe Rindfuss (Offered Salary vs. Unemployment Benefits)
- Hiring Success Stories
- Seasonal Worker Promo (April 16 & 23)
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (It is now April and we will soon be in bloom here in Western New York. As the weather warms up (we hope!), so does the news that impacts HR Professionals in this region. So much has occurred in the month since our last e-mail update.…)

MARCH 2021
Read the full newsletter HERE
- Message from Joe Rindfuss (QUANTITY over QUALITY of job applicants)
- Hiring Success Stories
- Healthcare Promo (March 19 & 26)
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (It is now March and we are all hoping that spring comes soon. Although we may be approaching a new season for the weather (we hope), HR is constantly “in season”. As always, we have compiled this update in our attempt to make sure you are informed of what has happened in the past month…)

Read the full newsletter HERE
- Better Job Posting Strategies
- Manufacturing Promo (February 19 & 26, save 10% when you run in both)
- Combination Print/Web (ads start at $95)
- Hiring Success Stories
- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (January certainly started the year with a bang, as a number of items that impact Human Resources occurred (as well as some colder weather and the on-going pandemic). There is so much more than I could place in this update! If the first month is an indicator of the future, we should be in for one busy year…)

Read the full newsletter HERE
- January Flash Sale (Receive 30% off one ad placed in either the
January 8 or 15 issue.) - Message from Joe Rindfuss (January is traditionally the best time to
advertise open positions, since more people are currently looking for jobs.) - Hiring Success Stories

- Human Resources Update by Joe Stein (We are now in December, and HR Professionals in WNY are trying to balance personal activities, the COVID-19 restrictions and year-end business responsibilities.
So much is happening that it is exceedingly difficult to keep up-to-date with all the latest news impacting our jobs. As always, we have compiled this monthly update in our attempt to make sure you are informed…)